The main pool is of Olympic length, 50 metres.
The smaller pool is shallow, covered with shade sails and perfect for younger children.
Day tickets can be purchased at the pool during the open season (cash only). Season Tickets must be purchased at Walcha Council office (2w Hamilton Street). Either as a single or family Season ticket.
For pool opening hours and further information go to Walcha Pool -Walcha Council
DAILY ADMISSION tickets will entitle the holder
to enter and leave the pool as often as they
wish on the day of purchase. Daily admission
tickets DO NOT entitle entry for night swimming.
SEASON TICKETS must be paid for in full at time
of application and can ONLY be purchased
at Council’s Office. Season Ticket holders
will be required to quote their Ticket Number
on entry into the Baths and, when required,
quote their receipt number as evidence of
payment. Season tickets DO NOT entitle
entry for night swimming.